tisdag 28 april 2015

Lago di Garda

In my dreams, I can be at many places in different countries during one day. If this was possible, then I would like to wake up in my apartment in Switzerland, take a look at the view from my window and let August out before I make a cup of tea in one of my favourite cups. Then I could imagine going for a long walk in a country with lots of forest, before I would sit down and play some backgammon at a café with Anna in Athens. I would have lunch in Paris, and a "fika" in Sweden. Then I would give Håkan a big hug before I go for an afternoon trip on Lago di Garda where the water has the most beautiful blue-green colour. In the evening, I would go for a swim, no matter where. Well, I think it does matter where, because I don´t like cold water. Maybe Zanzibar in winter or a small Swedish lake in summer.

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