You are welcome at any time
I have already discovered something wonderful with this time off: the combination of doing nothing and doing plenty of things. And this during the same day. A day is quite long when you don’t have any obligations and today felt, on one hand, as relaxed as a day on the beach and, on the other hand we had time for doing lots of things. We slept as long as we wanted, we took Ashi for a long walk, we had a slow breakfast, time for doing nothing, I went jogging with Ashi, me and Anna went to our first Kundalini yoga class ever (beautiful), we had Vietnamese food for dinner and we went to the cinema to see The Hobbit. Not my kind of movie I thought, but I was positively surprised, despite all the battles. And I agree with Bilbo: "Tea is at four; but any of you are welcome at any time"!

I have got a new home! My dear friend Anna has given me a mattress in her apartment which I sometimes share with a fluffy Japanese spitz called Ashi. Anna also shares her Mumin-mugs with me, her rechargers, her thoughts… well, more or less everything. Generous as she is. So I do not mind that my mattress is surrounded by a whole bunch of moving boxes which need to be unpacked, but feel perfectly at home just as it is.

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