tisdag 31 mars 2015
måndag 30 mars 2015
Where I lay my head
The wonderful time at Anna´s place has now come to an end. She has got a new flatmate and I have moved myself and all my stuff to Håkan´s place. Since I would like to live with both of them and preferably some pensioners too, me and Anna are already talking about having a community in a couple of years. We would like to share a house in the countryside outside Malmö. There is only a small tiny little problem: I have to get used to the countryside and the darkness and the lack of people. Well, right now I am happy in the city, enjoying the flat sharing with Håkan and I already feel at home at his place. As long as I am around people who I like, I actually feel at home quite fast, so yes, I could say that home is where I lay my head.
söndag 29 mars 2015
lördag 28 mars 2015
This hotel... If you go to Göteborg, promise me you go here!
This city is full of hipsters. If you leave the hotel, they will be all over the place.
And you will see Easter feathers too, but then you have to hurry up.
Our lunch break at Biscotti.
To end the day with a glas of red wine.
fredag 27 mars 2015
torsdag 26 mars 2015
My colourful Thursday
1) Breakfast with Eliza and Anna and the Easter bunny 2) Colourful and vise lockers 3) A detail from one of Nils Dardel´s paintings 4) Myself in the elevator at Moderna Museet in Malmö 5) At the video-exhibition "The new human" 6) I finally finished the painting of Anna´s kitchen wall 7) A fish at the gym that I would like to save 8) Visiting Tangokompaniet in the evening.
onsdag 25 mars 2015
There is a day for celebrating almost everything and today was the waffle day here in Sweden. Mmm... that was a yummy day.
tisdag 24 mars 2015
måndag 23 mars 2015
One kind of balance
I love the combination of countryside and big city life and I don´t want one without the other. This morning was spent in Häckeberga outside Malmö, walking around a small lake enjoying the togetherness with the trees and the trolls. The afternoon was spent in the city with some shopping, observing people and of course a fika. This is what I call perfect balance.
lördag 21 mars 2015
Some extra glamour
To place colourful stars on a table can be a good way to give some extra glamour to a Saturday evening.
fredag 20 mars 2015
An umbrella-friday
After sunshine comes rain and I don´t mind at all. Due to the rain, we got a beautiful indoor-day in a cosy house where we were very well taken care of, with fika in front of the fire place, some crazy fights with a sweet sweet dog, we visited one of Laholm´s two cafés and we did some shopping in a really good and still surviving bookstore.
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This sweet guy joined us for breakfast |
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Fika at Conditori Cecilia |
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Håkan´s best friend |
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Fritz´s best friend... and mine too. :) |
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Laholm |
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Suitable street art for this day |
torsdag 19 mars 2015
By bike along the coast
Me and Håkan. Him with his golden friend and me with my new and fast, black and pink bike. Today was a lovely day going by bike from Ängelholm to Laholm, an absolutely beautiful tour. One break for lunch in the sunshine and a second break for ice cream on the beach. You better start celebrating spring early!

onsdag 18 mars 2015
måndag 16 mars 2015
That thing with food
I have seldom enjoyed cooking and this was one of the things that I wanted to invest more time in during my sabbatical. And I have actually put much more effort into cooking during the last months and I must say that I am happy with the result. The vegetarian cookbook that I got from my brother for Christmas has contributed to a lot of inspiration, more time than before has of course also been helpful and probably the most important reason: I mostly cook for at least two people instead of only for myself. Conclusion: togetherness will always win over loneliness!
söndag 15 mars 2015
Omväxling förnöjer
Sometimes it feels good to breath forest as you would say in Swedish. Right now, I prefer life in the city, but not without the countryside. Days like this, I could actually nominate Vittsjö to the best place on earth.
lördag 14 mars 2015
A trip a day...
You use to say that you need an apple a day to keep the doctor away. In my case, I rather think I need a trip a day to keep the doctor away. Today the trip went to Limhamn outside Malmö. No, the distance does not matter, as long as I discover something new, then I am happy.
fredag 13 mars 2015
Sometimes life in Sweden feels like it does in Astrid Lindgren's Bullerbyn. If you feel for that kind of life, it's good going to Småland where we went today. You drive through the forest and the only thing you see is forest (!) and sometimes a red house or two. All of a sudden, there is a sweet little place called Stockhultsgården where you can buy tea and have scones for "fika". From there you can continue to Gräddhyllan for another cup of tea and some more sweets. There will be more tours like this in the coming weeks, to some other similar places out in the countryside. So please let me know if you are interested in joining! :)

torsdag 12 mars 2015
Hello sunshine!
Welcome back dear sunshine! You seem to enjoy life in Malmö, so please stay for some more days. People love you, that you should know. And the flowers, and the birds and the dogs too. The flowers are growing faster when you show up, the birds are singing louder, the dogs are running faster and I would like to have ice cream every single day.
onsdag 11 mars 2015
After work
A good thing with a sabbatical in Sweden is that your friends leave work at 4 or latest at 5 PM. This means that you have quite some time for small adventures after work. Bjärred and Långa bryggan was the trip for today and I can tell you that this place is much nicer in reality than on the wallpaper in the IKEA-meeting rooms and restaurants. And magic was around this evening with all the clouds and the beautiful light.

tisdag 10 mars 2015
Tango with Anna Sol
I have not felt so inspired taking pictures in the last time, but when Anna asked me coming with her to Copenhagen today and shoot some tango pictures for her, then I of course said yes. We only had 15 minutes for the shoot, but I got so much inspiration and I am definitely back into photography mood. Also the walk through the city on a Tuesday was so great. The feeling of being almost at home, but still on a small adventure. Isn't that a great feeling?

måndag 9 mars 2015
torsdag 5 mars 2015
Stockholm i mitt hjärta
24 hours in the beautiful Swedish capital hanging out with Kathi and Lorenz, visiting Fotografiska, Södermalm, enjoying the sunshine and the blue sky, observing people, having dinner with Johanna and a delicious hotel breakfast.
onsdag 4 mars 2015
In the heart of sami-land
Kiruna: in the heart of sami-land, a city that is going to be relocated due to an iron mine, a big husky business, some ski slopes, dark winter days compensated by a summer when the sun never sets, invaded by tourists and at the same time an everyday life of the locals which seems to be quite pleasant.
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We left, the sky cleared up and the sun showed up... |
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A beautiful and sunny train journey from Kiruna to Boden. |
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Sauna-swamp: a train station somewhere between Boden and Stockholm... |
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